Crush: What’s real?

Is it real or is it Memorex?

Below are the wineries, wines, and restaurants mentioned in Crush. Which are real and which are fictional? Here’s how you’ll find out if you’re correct. If the winery or restaurant name is in blue, it’s real, and you’ll be taken to their website. If it’s fictional, the link will be black (not an active link). How many did you get right?

Wineries & wines featured in Crush

Artesa Vineyards & Winery
Black Knoll
Baldacci Family Vineyards
Cakebread Cellars
Crooked Oak
Falling Leaf
F&M Georges Valley Family Winery
Georges Valley Estate Wines
Georges Valley Reserve Select
Herndon Vineyards
Montalvo Villa Estate Wines
Robert Mondavi
Opus One Winery
Patz & Hall
Peju Province Winery
Regusci Winery
Rombauer Vineyards
Silver Ridge
Wedded Bliss
Whitehall Lane

Restaurants/B&B’s appearing in Crush

Azzurro Pizzeria Restaurant
Bistro Don Giovanni
Bistro Jeanty
Brix Restaurant
Dean & Deluca
Napa Valley Wine Train

Mountain Crest B&B
Heartland B&B

Calistoga Spa Hot Springs