Welcome! I hope you enjoyed Velocity. If you haven’t read it yet, bookmark this page and return to it after you finish the novel because there is information below that will spoil your read. Following are questions designed to provide a stimulating discussion.

1. Did you empathize with Karen Vail’s urgency to find Robby?

2. Vail’s desperation gets the best of her as she searches for Robby. She skirts some laws and takes actions that she’s never taken in her career. If your loved one had gone missing and you had the ability to act as Vail did, would you have done the same thing? Or would you have abided by state and federal laws and let the police investigations run their course?

3. Have your feelings about illicit drug use changed after reading Velocity?

4. The legalization of marijuana has been a hot issue in the news of late. Do you agree with those who feel it should be legalized, or with those who oppose its legalization? Has your opinion been colored one way or the other after reading Velocity?

5. How do you feel about the Mexican drug cartels’ use of our national forests to establish grows of marijuana plants?

6. What did you think of Robby’s decision to tell Vail about his retribution of his uncle’s death?

7. Did you agree with Vail’s reaction to Robby’s revelation?

8. Should Robby be arrested and serve time for the murder he committed as a youth?

9. Did you feel like you got a good sense of the locations featured in Las Vegas?


For those people who have read both Crush and Velocity

10. Did you feel that your lingering questions from Crush were appropriately addressed in Velocity?

11. Alan has stated that when he conceived of the idea behind Crush and Velocity, he could not have told the story in one 400 page novel without destroying the depth and complexity of the characters and incidents that provided their motivations. Having now finished both novels, do you agree?

12. Of all the wineries mentioned in both Crush and Velocity, which would you like to visit? What about the restaurants? For a listing of those that were real and which were fictional, click here.